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Generations Lost

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

3/28/1999 7:01:40 AM

I wrote...

>Sony deserves the boot in the ass for purposely engineering loss into an
>otherwise digital medium.

Just to clarify this, to make sure everybody realizes what flies for a
solution for managing our 'intellectual property', I quote from a tiny
blurb buried in the back of my MZR50 owner's manual...

"Note on Digital Recording

This recorder uses the Serial Copy Management System, which allows only
first-generation copies to be made from premastered software. You can only
make copies from a home-recorded MD by using the analog (line out)

As information storage changes, the economy must change. In the 'dark
ages' only a few could read, and they controlled the masses in the most
brutal dictatorship ever- a 1000 years of embarrasment. The printing press
brought about the great revolution of our time, gave rise to 'intellectual
property'. Now 'intellectual property' is no good, just like the church of
the middle ages, must go. I don't have any easy answers, but I think we
should all be able to agree that the above is not acceptable.
