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Microtonal genius

🔗Sarn Richard Ursell <>

3/27/1999 5:27:32 PM

I have been thinking about musical genius.

What do you know about this in relation to microtonal music?

Well, what I want to know is:

How would have blind Tom have heard, say, 19ET, or 24ET?

Have you heard of him?

He was intellectually handicaped-in fact, classified as a mentally retarded
sub-moron, except for this one strange eability he had.

You'd pop him down in front of a piant, and play him some highly complicated
and involved peice, and he could copy it-even if it was hours long.

The tested him with fine musicians, who played in tiny little mistakes to
try to fool him, but he played back every single little emphasis.

He didn't have the brains enough to make it up-he just, well, copyed.

Aparently he was fasinated by the sound of the rain on the roof, and hores
and cart (which they used in the paddle-steamer days-the time when Tom was

I wounder what he'd do if he heard microtonal temperaments, or was given a
microtonal keyboard?

Would he play it as often?
Would he just convert to 12ET?

I wounder......