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Here's the lions (was Re: [tuning] Partch in the New Age, with caveats)

🔗David Beardsley <>

4/13/2001 8:25:39 AM wrote:

> I realize that there is a lot of negativity in these posts
> and that is a turnoff for many.

I'm finding it quite entertaining. For those of us who
were not there - we're lacking a bit of evidence, we
haven't heard the Barbacan performance. So the obvious
solution is to transfer the audio to mp3 files and
post them to a page. Enough talk, let's hear it.

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* 49/32 R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"


4/13/2001 8:26:17 AM

Not so obvious, David. We do not have recordings from the Barbican. Johnny