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Re: white noise

🔗Carl Lumma <>

3/25/1999 6:55:22 AM

>The analogies with silence and white noise are worth responding to. My
>table was one of all the possible rational dyads in lowest terms , ordered
>in terms of d, and then n (thus making it related to but not identical to
>Farey series). Noise is not a dyad. Silence could be a dyad with amplitude
>zero, but that presents an ontological question well beyond my meagre

Gee, I don't think it's worth responding to. But I did, in a private
e-mail to Dave. And now I'm doing it again...

>Well, I'd as soon you (or anybody) wouldn't ask, because I don't see the
>musical application. But, I can never resist giving out my opinion. For
>silence, I'd say infinite consonance and zero dissonance.
>For white noise, I'd really have to say consonance and dissonance are not
>defined. Its dissonance may be rated moderate by subjects, but it is
hardly >a dyad...

>Isn't it the equivalent of playing every note at once? A megatrad? :-)

>I was reading Manfred Schroeder's _Fractals, Chaos, and Power Laws_ a
month >or two ago, and white noise was mentioned. If I remember correctly,
you can >approximate it with a given number of notes, but real white noise,
for >example, won't change pitch if you double or triple the speed of the
tape >it's recorded on...