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drat. . . it was done || Stravinsky microtonal quote

🔗Christopher Bailey <>

4/1/2001 9:51:07 AM

That's a nice quote to see!!

For all his radicalism, I was afraid Igor was a bit of a reactionary in
certain areas, (as we all are, inevitably). I remember reading in the
Craft "Diaries" that they went to a Noh Theatre performance in Japan and
were bored to tears (though, to be fair, they said that most of the
Japanese audience was also bored, and/or sleeping, during the
performance). I love Noh Theatre, so I just counted this as one of those
A{FC}TDO (Attitudes {of Famous Composers} That Depress One). I assumed
his views on microtonality were also A{FC}TDO.

but happily not!!

