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Just Intonation Network

🔗very ironic <irony71113@xxxxx.xxxx>

3/22/1999 4:59:22 AM

I wrote:

>Does this mean that now you'll have
>time & money to put out more that one issue
>of 1/1 a year??? (Just Intonation Network)responded:

>Were you planning to submit an article?
>At least half the reason that 1/1
>isn't published more frequently is a lack of >submissions. I have an
>that has been sitting around, complete
>except for one promised article,
>since the first of January.
>And money has never been an issue
>--1/1 has always been paid for by
>memberships and store sales, since
>the second issue.

So this means that as editor and publisher,
you don't take any responsibility for
the getting more than one issue out a year.

And if late submissions are the problem,
why is it that every year (for the past
few years) you anounce in the Spring
that the latest issue is off to the
printer and we get it in the Fall?

Is the printer holding on to it because
you can't come up with the cash?


🔗Daniel Wolf <DJWOLF_MATERIAL@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/22/1999 7:25:48 AM

To the anonymous poster:

very much like the members and organizers of the Just Intonation Network,
the contributors to this list share a serious passion for music. They
approach the understanding of music with seriousness, modesty, and
generally with candor and civility.

The organizers of the Just Intonation Network have contributed their time
without remuneration, and the office space and technical support is
similarly given. The Journal subscriptions cover the cost of publication
and the editors would happily print more frequently but the lack of
submitted articles is chronic. In addition to his constant public pleas,
Mr. Doty has more than once asked me directly for articles, and I regreat
that I have not been able to oblige him more often.

A check through the list of subscribers to the Mills list revealed no
anonymous posters. We are not discussing politics or religion here, and our
controversies are aesthetic and scholarly. To my knowledge, there is no
state on the planet that presently punishes one for the practice of music
theory, so anonymity is really out of place.

Let me once publicly thank David B. Doty, Carola B. Anderson and Henry S.
Rosenthal for continuing to make JIN and _1/1_ happen, and doing so with
their own flair.

Dr. Daniel Wolf
Frankfurt, Germany

🔗Patrick Pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/22/1999 5:14:45 PM

I must agree and comment that 1/1 was essential to my understanding and love
for Just Intonation and I proudly maintain all Back issues for the South East
Just Intonation Society._-a generous gift from Guru Genovese.
Resonate and Extenuate
Pat Pagano

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