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Re: very ironic

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

3/21/1999 7:18:10 PM

> (Just Intonation Network) writes:
>>My new CD, *Uncommon Practice*, is now available.
>Does this mean that now you'll have
>time & money to put out more that one issue
>of 1/1 a year???

David's pinky finger has put more into alternate tunings than your entire
ass. 1/1 publication has always pretty much run on schedule with article
submission. Which is open to all network members. Maybe even you, with
your sorry anonomous yahoo account.


🔗very ironic <irony71113@xxxxx.xxxx>

3/22/1999 4:51:04 AM

Carl Lumma <> said:

>> (Just Intonation Network) writes:
>>>My new CD, *Uncommon Practice*, is now available.
>>Does this mean that now you'll have
>>time & money to put out more that one issue
>>of 1/1 a year???
>David's pinky finger has put more into alternate >tunings than your

It's been years since that happened.

>1/1 publication has always pretty much run on >schedule with article
>submission. Which is open to all network members. >Maybe even you,
>your sorry anonomous yahoo account.

My sorry anonomous yahoo account wonders why Carl, who
is so verbose on this list, isn't writing anthing for 1/1.