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Re: Digest Number 8


1/7/1999 12:46:34 PM

Carl Lumma wrote:
2. Kaleidophon (Carter Scholz): Mind expanding! In fact, regarding recent
talk about the tonality diamond, I believe this is a rhythmic diamond --
all circular permutations of a rhythm played simultaneously. [Carter,
please straighten me out if this is not the piece.]

Hi Carl. Kaleidophon is a kind of functional canon. Not an exact canon,
because the note durations are taken at discrete points of a continuous
function (a sine function, in fact). This "sampling" of the function
(at whatever time a new note is needed) leads to rhythmic values in each
voice that are not exactly canonic even though the phase-shifted functions
*are* strictly canonic. Or something like that ....

I suppose the piece is a kind of "algo-comp" though I don't think of it
that way. More like process music, where the piece is completely
determined and constrained by the process. early Reich, Lucier, etc...