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Beepy: Today's MP3 Pick!


2/15/2001 7:09:30 PM

Well folks, I've had quite a time trying to post today! Sometimes
during peak hours, I will get the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error
when I try to post, and about 50% of the time when this happens, the
mail doesn't go through to the list. Gee Thanks Yahoo!

I got to hear Joseph Pehrson's new piece "Beepy", in the Bohlen-
Pierce scale today, which gets the "Pick of the Day Award"
(from me! : ) ).

It's really great to hear one of our list members write a good
composition in the BP scale, and I really dig Joseph's melodic
approach to this (as well as anything I hear). It's a nifty
electronic piece, which has a really nice "live played" feel to it.
Who needs quantizing anyhow!

I liked the rhythms on this too! A really nice multi-timbral piece,
with depth. This really makes me want to compose something with this
too in the future. I've did some improvising with it, and it has some
very unique properties and possibilities.

Check it out:

Did you do this with Digital Orchestrator?

Thanks, and keep that microtonal music flowing in large amounts,

Jacky Ligon