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The case against "faux" email delivery

🔗David Beardsley <>

2/14/2001 3:28:59 PM

"Paul H. Erlich" wrote:
> Hi David,
> >It has more to do with your local isp & email web traffic
> >than Yahoo Paul.
> Can you give me any more info on this? I jumped to the conclusion that this
> was a Yahoo issue because I'm almost certain this never happened with Mills,
> onelist, or egroups -- sometimes the messages would appear in my e-mail out
> of order, but at least they'd always appear, eventually . . .

I use as my isp - Comcast Home cable, the same as my cable TV.
But I use for email. They're in Hightstown, NJ,
east of Princeton and sometimes they have local email/connection
traffic. I'm about 45 min. north, and who knows where the @home server
Sometimes it's virtulinks fault but sometimes it's not.

Simple as that, the net is just a bunch of local computer
networks chained together. And there's always a weak ink in the chain.

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* 49/32 R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"


2/14/2001 3:30:54 PM

--- In tuning@y..., David Beardsley <xouoxno@v...> wrote:
> "Paul H. Erlich" wrote:


Just come to the web site!It's much more reliable.

Are you getting the single mail or digest delivery to your home mail?



2/14/2001 3:31:56 PM

>Are you getting the single mail or digest delivery to your home mail?

Single mail delivery to my office mail, though I often check the web site
when I'm away from the office (I don't have a computer at home, thank
goodness) . . .