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Re: YAHOO! I got an answer!

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

2/14/2001 8:06:55 AM

[Joseph Pehrson:]
>Well, gottinhimmelhoch, I actually got an answer from YAHOO! Yes, I
>am more surprised than you are!.. ! !

>The tone of the answer is a little "testy" meaning, like, "dummy, we
>never owned your content or even THOUGHT about owning it" so,
>personally, I believe we are not at all in danger!

Thanks, Joe, for taking the trouble to do this! I do feel somewhat
reassured, and might even start posting things in the tuning file area

I'd be interested in hearing from Daniel Wolf and others who expressed
the most concern earlier - are you satisfied with Yahoo's response, and
"is it safe?", do you think?