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classical music dead?

🔗Rick Tagawa <ricktagawa@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/19/1999 8:44:19 AM

Did anyone catch the article on the first page of Section B, Marketplace
of the Wall Street Journal Friday, Feb. 26, 1999? It is entitled "A New
Model for the Nature of Business: It's Alive! and is based on a book by
the author of the article Thomas Petzinger Jr. called The New Pioneers.
Calling up the WSJ website <> I was able to read
selections from the book.

I mention it because he has graphics called "Paradigms Lost . . . and
Gained" with two columns. Under the heading "Cultural Expressions" the
"lost" column shows classical music and renaissance painting. The
"gained" column has blues and jazz; and postmodern art.