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RE: [crazy_music] A hard day's night in the xenharmonic studio

🔗M. Edward Borasky <znmeb@...>

7/1/2001 11:56:05 AM

ROFLMAO (Rolling On the Floor Laughing on Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors :-).
Seriously, though, the lesson here is

1. Do as much as you can in software :-)
2. Be religious about backups and version control :-)

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky, Chief Scientist, Borasky Research
mailto:znmeb@... mailto:znmeb@...

Q: How do you get an elephant out of a theatre?
A: You can't. It's in their blood.

🔗monz <joemonz@...>

7/1/2001 4:00:45 PM

----- Original Message -----
From: <xed@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: [crazy_music] A hard day's night in the xenharmonic studio

> FROM: mclaren
> TO : new practical microtonal list
> SUBJECT: A hard day's night in the xenharmonic studio
> Lights!
> Action!
> Microtonality!
> ... [several screens later...]
> Try again.
> Stare with naked loathing at the EPS rackmount.
> "Your mother had tin on her circuit board."

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!! L M !@!@#%&*!! A O !!

Brian, the great thing about knowing you personally is that
I could imagine *you* doing dialog for all the scenes you
wrote here. What a howl!

Here's an idea... All the music by you that I know is
instrumental and what I'd call, if it had to be measured
on the Partchian abstract <--> corporeal continuum,
quite abstract.

How about trying a great leap into the corporeal by doing
this up as a full-scale dramatic presentation?, perhaps
a film, with acting, microtonal music, scenery, the
whole nine yards. I'd love to collaborate with you on
it. It would be hilarious, great fun, and probably a
major microtonal composition. The music could
be in tunings as different as possible from the object
of all that hard work, so as to point up the fact that
NOTHING'S GETTING DONE. Then it would slowly morph
into the actual 28-note 37 limit tuning of the actual

Anyway, an idea... I'm imagining lots of good music
as I read this.

"All roads lead to n^0"

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🔗Jon Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

7/1/2001 4:45:13 PM


Where's the mp3?


🔗monz <joemonz@...>

7/2/2001 8:51:16 PM

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <xed@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2001 10:53 AM
> Subject: [crazy_music] A hard day's night in the xenharmonic studio
> > FROM: mclaren
> > TO : new practical microtonal list
> > SUBJECT: A hard day's night in the xenharmonic studio
> >
> > Lights!
> > Action!
> > Microtonality!

Hey Brian, I really loved your 28-note 37 limit piece.
How about telling us more about the piece itself?
Structure, tonal/harmonic moves, etc. Some really cool
stuff happening in there!

"All roads lead to n^0"

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