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Newly in the game (again) ;o)

🔗Vog <>

2/7/2001 7:19:41 AM


I'm a new (and anciant too) comer in the JI network. I'm from Montréal City in Québec province. I'm studiing composition under Serge Provost at the Montreal Music Conservatory and observing JI since few years. I'm finishing my bacchelor's degree in composition and will start my master next year. I only wrote a first saxophone trio in JI 9-limit as a first Etude for the instrumentists. It will be recorded in late April or at the beginning of may.

Although I'm not a strong mathematician and found sometimes all these theories quiet complicated, I'm willing to learn all I can and most of all find way to applie these in the concret musical world (which is far more complicated ;o).

So, I'll hope to learn a lot with you guys !

This was my hello-all message ! ;o)

Vincent-Olivier Gagnon.