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🔗Christopher Bailey <>

1/30/2001 8:35:11 PM

R Walker wrote:
>Hi Christopher,
>Just downloaded your piece and listened to it.
>It's great!
>Amazing moment the bell like timbre -> siren -> single note - tune
>(is the tune one of your l system ones?)

i enjoyed your bell-timbre-flute piece as well!

Haha. That's funny you call it a "siren". What that is is actually
Robert Plant at the opening of "Black Dog," slowed down about 20 times,
without changing the pitch. The guy was an amazing microtonal vocalist,
as you can hear!!
As for the "tune"----that was a pretty much a LISP tool I wrote that does
random melodies within a scale, adding bends and so forth once in a while.
The scales were derived from the "chord" that you hear towards the end of
the piece.
It was before I had a lot of experience and knowledge of microtonal
theories 'n' @#$%, so the scales I just picked by ear from a bunch of
randomly generated ones. I'm pretty sure they don't fit into any
theoretical paradigm. They are, put simply, "out of tune."