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Gary Morrison Re: Radiant Christmas {chords}

🔗Mark Nowitzky <>

1/7/1999 12:14:24 AM

Forwarding a message from Gary Morrison that was sent to the old Mills server:

>Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 07:11:14 -0500
>From: Gary Morrison <>
>Subject: Re: Radiant Christmas {chords}
>Message-ID: <>
>> * As far as acronyms go=85 (E)quidistant (D)ivision of the
(O)ctave=92s=97 EDO, is
>> certainly seems to me a rather colorless creation (immanently indisposed as
>> it is to the oddly resonant charm of (T)one (E)qual (T)emperament=92s=97TET),
> My immediate take would be that the two are not exactly synonymous, by which
>I mean "equidistant divisions of an octave" and "equal temperament", the
>distinguishing case being nonoctave equal temperaments. Carlos' Alpha, for
>example, would be an equal temperament, but no particular subdivision of the
>octave. Well, not an integer division anyway, and if not integer, then that
>nomenclature becomes inconvenient.

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