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Tuning invitation

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

1/25/2001 5:46:34 AM

Several list members have sent me MIDI files from time to time for
retuning, and I'd like to issue a more general invitation to everyone
on the list. If it should happen that I get swamped, I might have to
cut back, but any given file is very easy for me to process, and the
flow so far has been tiny.

My program is now able to handle both single-voice MIDI and multi-voice
MIDI (though very rich sequences may overflow the channels and drop
notes; the program tells me how many). All are expected to adhere to
the General MIDI standard, with its reserved drum channel and voicing
(program) conventions. I combine tuning with any existing pitch bends
used for gliss, but the default bend range of +/- 2 semitones must be
adhered to or else it'll sound awful!

I'm assuming that the results will be put to non-commercial use, but if
not, we'll talk! :-)

It's best if file names have no spaces and are reasonably short. Send'm
to jdl"at" and let me know what limit(s) you would like to
hear (5, 7, and/or 11/13).

If I particularly like a sequence, I might ask for permission to share
it with others on the list, but won't do so unless it's ok. My results
may be shared on your own web pages if it's free and you give me tuning