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Re: watered down blues, etc

🔗Seth Austen <>

1/23/2001 5:38:20 AM

on 1/22/01 11:49 AM, at wrote:

> I was part of that thread too and could have just as well made the
> misinterpreted 'watered down' remark. Its true that not ALL blues
> need be variable form, but the 12-bar I-IV-V canon played badly is,
> unfortunately, all too common.

Ain't it though? Oh well, I just keep trying to expose the students who are
interested in learning blues to the real thing in its infinite variety,
hoping it'll stick for a few of them...

>> BTW, guitar fans should check out Metheny's new Live Trio album...I
>> heard one disc, and was mighty impressed at the creativity, the chops,
>> and the wide stylistic range.
> I attended a performance on the tour and bought the double CD. Great
> show and the recording captures a lot of it. That Frippish number was
> played about 3/4 of the way through the show and chased a few of the
> patrons out. To bring this back to microtonality, he played a
> fretless classical (was it also with doubled courses) on a number,
> and for some reason, his guitar synth playing sounds especially 'in
> the cracks'.

I wonder if he is using the Godin nylon string fretless that was mentioned a
few months back. It's double strung.

> Theres also a whole movement of 'fusion' with Eastern European and
> Balkan influences (Paradox Trio, Tiny Bell Trio).

Paradox Trio (actually a quartet) is doing some very wonderful microtonal
work. Their guitarist plays electric saz and another microtonal fretted
instrument (I can't remember what) on about half of their newest CD. Neat
klezmer/Balkan fusion.


Seth Austen

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then
you win." Gandhi


1/23/2001 1:03:15 PM

Seth Austen wrote,

>I wonder if [Pat Metheny] is using the Godin nylon string fretless that was
mentioned a
>few months back. It's double strung.

No, he's using a full-depth single-strung guitar, no doubt of higher quality
than a Godin.