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Re: 351 possible

🔗David Bowen <>

1/19/2001 9:29:01 PM

On Dec. 12, 2000, Robert Walker wrote (in part)
>For 15 tet
>Polya's formula:

>((x+1)^15 + 2*(x^3+1)^5 + 3*(x^5+1)^3 + 9*(x^15+1))/15

>and for 12-tet with inversions

>+ 7*(1+x^2)^6
>+ 2*(1+x^4)^3
>+ 2*(1+x^3)^4
>+ 6*(1+x^5)*(1+x)^2
>+ 2*(1+x^6)^2
>+ 4*(1+x^12)

>Again, expand the formula, and look at the nth coefficient to find
>the number of scales of n notes.

>To apply to scales with other numbers of notes, you need to look at
>all the transpositions, see what cycles they
>generate, and so make the cycle index polynomial. Then substitute
>(1+x^n) for xn to get Polya's formula.

>E.g. in 22-tet, transposing by any amount except the identity, and
>11 notes, gives a 22-cycle (take any note, and keep
>transposing it by the same amount, and you go through all 22 notes).
>The transposition by 11 notes puts the notes into
>11 2-cycles. Identity yields 22 1-cycles.

>22-cycle -> x22. There are 20 of these

>11 2-cycles -> x2^11

>22 1-cycles -> x1^22

>So the cycle index polynomial is
>and to get Polya's formula, replace xn by (1+x^n)


>You could use Mathematica or the like to expand the polynomials
>instead of doing it by hand.

While I agree with him on the result for 12-tet with inversions, I
get ((x+1)^15 + 2*(x^3+1)^5 + 4*(x^5+1)^3 + 8*(x^15+1))/15 for
15-tet, since 3, 6, 9, and 12 each generate a permutation with three
5-cycles, 5 and 10 generate a permutation with five 3-cycles, 1, 2,
4, 7, 8, 11, 13 and 14 generate permutations with a single 15-cycle
and 0 is a permutation with fifteen 1-cycles.

I also disagree with him on the results for 22-tet, since transposing
by an even number like 2 generates two 11-cycles, not the single
22-cycle that he claims. This would make the result:
((1+x)^22 + 10*(1+x^22) + 10*(1+x^11)^2 + (1-x^2)^11)/22

I'm sorry for the delay in responding to this. I saw the post and
thought it looked wrong just before I left for the holidays. I
checked my answers over the holidays, but it took me some time after
getting back to catch up and make sure no one had already made the

David Bowen

🔗Robert Walker <>

1/20/2001 6:15:31 AM

Dave Bowen wrote:

> While I agree with him on the result for 12-tet with inversions, I
> get ((x+1)^15 + 2*(x^3+1)^5 + 4*(x^5+1)^3 + 8*(x^15+1))/15 for
> 15-tet, since 3, 6, 9, and 12 each generate a permutation with three
> 5-cycles, 5 and 10 generate a permutation with five 3-cycles, 1, 2,
> 4, 7, 8, 11, 13 and 14 generate permutations with a single 15-cycle
> and 0 is a permutation with fifteen 1-cycles.

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the correction:

15 1-cycles -> x1^15. One of these: 0.
5 3-cycles -> x3^5. Two of these: 5 10
3 5-cycles -> x5^3. Four of these: 3 6 9 12
15-cycle -> x15. Eight of these: 1 2 4 7 8 11 13 14

So the cycle index polynomial is

and to get Polya's formula, replace xn by (1+x^n)


Expand the formula, and look at the nth coefficient to find the number of
scales of n notes in 15-tet.


22 1-cycles -> x1^22. One of these: 0.
11 2-cycles -> x2^11 (transpose by 11)
2 11-cycles -> x11^2. Eleven of these (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
1 22-cycle -> x22. Nine of these (3 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21)

So the cycle index polynomial is

and to get Polya's formula, replace xn by (1+x^n)


(here you got 1 1 10 10 as the coefficients, should be 1 1 11 9)



🔗Robert Walker <>

1/20/2001 9:48:28 AM

Dave Bowen wrote:

> While I agree with him on the result for 12-tet with inversions, I
> get ((x+1)^15 + 2*(x^3+1)^5 + 4*(x^5+1)^3 + 8*(x^15+1))/15 for
> 15-tet, since 3, 6, 9, and 12 each generate a permutation with three
> 5-cycles, 5 and 10 generate a permutation with five 3-cycles, 1, 2,
> 4, 7, 8, 11, 13 and 14 generate permutations with a single 15-cycle
> and 0 is a permutation with fifteen 1-cycles.

Hi Dave,

Sorry, my mistake again, you got the 22 coeffs right
Also I had /22 for /15 for 15-tet

So the cycle index polynomial is

and to get Polya's formula, replace xn by (1+x^n)


Expand the formula, and look at the nth coefficient to find the number of
scales of n notes in 15-tet.


22 1-cycles -> x1^22. One of these: 0.
11 2-cycles -> x2^11 (transpose by 11)
2 11-cycles -> x11^2. Ten of these (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
1 22-cycle -> x22. Ten of these (1 3 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21)

So the cycle index polynomial is

and to get Polya's formula, replace xn by (1+x^n)


