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Re: Reply To Mary: For Jacky Ligon (Prime Numbers)

🔗Robert Walker <>

1/16/2001 5:09:35 PM

Hi Mary,

> running in the background. When I hear something I really like I
> record it, and then wait for a piece to evolve where I can use it.


I've just had a thought from this, to add option to periodically
record all the relevant variables while the fractal tune is playing.

The algorithms aren't easy to run backwards, so there is no
reverse button, but with the numbers recorded at regular intervals
(up to some maximum buffer size, and using some specified time
interval), one then add a reverse button that goes backwards one
step at a time.

One is talking about, as a rough first estimate, perhaps something like 10 k for each one.
(May turn out to be less, and may depend on which options are ticked for the fractal tune

ten such points would be 100K. E.g. , 5 secs ago, 10, 15, 20, ... up to 50 secs.

Could record more by allocating a larger buffer for it.

I'll give it a try some day. Then if you find something you really like,
you can go back to just before it started.

Also do it so that you can set a bookmark on any time in the fractal tune, and
save the bookmarks to the .ts file, and then at any time, you can start it up
again at the bookmark instead of playing through from the beginning.

So you can go back to the bookmark whenever you like, and try changing
any of the parameters you want, add extra voices to the fractal tune, or

Glad you are finding FTS helpful, and thanks for your suggestions!
