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Re: [tuning] Digest Number 1040

🔗Greg Schiemer <>

1/15/2001 4:11:39 PM

organisation of microtonal music events in Australia

G'day Justin,

Count me in to support a venture like this. Maybe such a conference might
also entice some of the tuning crowd to see what's happening in Australia.
I think you could also count on local support from such different people as
Warren Burt and Stuart Favilla (composer instrument-builders), Judy Bailey
(jazz pianist and composer) and Larry Sitsky (one of our senior composers,
and also performer-musicologist who is extremely knowledgeable on Busoni
and Wyschnegradsky) as well as a dozen or so students at the Con who have
found their way into JI. The Sydney Conservatorium could be cajoled into
hosting something like this as it would provide a great opportunity to show
off the Con's microzone keyboard when it arrives later this year.

Greg S