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another take on Highway 70 video

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

1/14/2001 8:01:09 AM

I had another take on Bill Alves "Highway 70" video.

Astonishing as it is, you know from a purely MUSICAL point of view I
still believe I find the purely audio Highway 70 superior??

It's interesting the way perception works... but it almost seems as
though I can get "deeper" into the sounds without the "distraction"
of the video, wonderful as it is. I find that I want to do a little
"deep listening" but the video INSISTS on presenting information to
me, so I don't get quite as far into the sounds....

Just a perception that others may or may not find interesting...

HOWEVER, from the point of view of "cultural delivery" the video is
ESSENTIAL. Bill would NEVER have been on any mass site with just
audio. Forgetabouddit. It's a visual culture... audio won't cut it.

So, from a marketing perspective, aside from the fact that the video
is so terrific, it is ESSENTIAL to have the video.

However, I still believe the AUDIO perception works best in just a
dark room....

_______ ____ _____ _
Joseph Pehrson