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DATs and Mini-Discs

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@ADNC.COM>

1/12/2001 2:04:33 PM

All (or some),

Responding to the various posts about the subject:

Please remember that when I mentioned MD for recording, it was in the context of easy2use, quick-and-dirty mode. My wife, one of the biggest non-techies in the world, became hooked on hers because of those values -- she is now able to record rehearsals, practice, concerts of her quartet, *all* without my assistance and have fairly high-quality, indexed and accessible discs to listen to and study.

There is /no/ comparison in the quality of the recordings: DAT wins hands down every time. But it you are recording for 'documentary' or study purposes, the low-cost factor and ease of use far outweigh the downside of the lossy compression that the MD format utilizes.

I originally thought to get her a portable DAT, but size, cost (never having caught on with the public, DAT remains a format for professional and very serious amateur recording, and therefore there has never been reason for pricing to be driven down -- not to mention the more mechanical the format, the larger the unit, higher battery drain, etc.)

I use two different DAT machines in-house and the MD for fun. I'll reply to Jacky about the specs for xfer off-list, and hope I haven't taken up too much bandwidth on this non-tuning topic...


Real Life: Orchestral Percussionist
Web Life: "Corporeal Meadows" - about Harry Partch