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Re: Canto Sacro (was: CSOUND)

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

1/10/2001 6:36:51 AM

[Wim Hoogewerf wrote:}
>>Using 24tet, you won't find much 'fans' on this list, because it's far
>>away from Just Intonation and it has got 12tet as a subset...

[Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu wrote:]
>I can understand that being a superset of 12tet can be a minus if you
>want to be sure you can't do something similar to 12tet music "by
>mistake". It can be a plus if you want to migrate step by step away
>from 12tet music, for example for pedagogical purposes. If it is not a
>FAQ, why do most of people here prefer JI?

To my ear, music that stays within a few cents of JI is much more
beautiful than music that succumbs to thirds 14 or 16 cents distant
from JI. I also find 7-limit dominant 7ths (with the 7th almost 1/3
semitone flatter than 12-tET) to be wonderfully haunting and longing.
They make 12-tET dom 7ths and 5-limit dom 7ths sound like mono,
rather than stereo, to my ears.

That said, I would not rule out ANY tuning for making great music.
There are many on this list who work far away from JI.