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webpage of my JI tune

🔗Joseph L Monzo <monz@xxxx.xxxx>

3/16/1999 8:42:16 AM

John Starrett has kindly put up a webpage of
a 19-limit JI tune I wrote several years ago.
It includes a MIDI sequence, a harmonic analysis
and a graph of the pitches in the chords.

It contains some juicy chords with the 11s, 13s,
and 19s we've been talking about here lately.

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🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/16/1999 11:07:59 PM


I really like this tune! It is magical how JI transcription happened to
"work" on this one. It would be nice to see a post on your thought
processes on figuring out the common-tones, etc. This type of
transcription, with 11 and 13 and 19 identities, leads to a pronounced
"periodicity buzz" in the otonalities that is radically different from
the jazz aesthetic but has a flavor that can certainly grow on you (Kami
Rousseau had some similar transcriptions on his web page, Kami, are you
still with us?)

Also, the progression from the 126/95-Otonality to the 9/5-Otonality is
quite nice as a V-I, even though the root rises by a fourth of 529 cents
(or drops by a fifth of 671 cents). This underscores what I was saying
to Dan Stearns, that a fourth of 533 cents can be acceptable
melodically, and that applies at least as well when the "melody" is a

At 2am, it really is nicer to hear music than to look at theories! Joe,
can you help me MIDI-ize a 22-tET piece of mine (the one I keep talking
about), and maybe we can create a JI rendition too? Peter Blasser, if
you're there, I successfully got csound as you directed, but couldn't
get Rocky to work. My home e-mail doesn't seem to be working, so can you
reply to me here? Thanks!
