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Re: [tuning] Digest Number 1026

🔗John Starrett <>

1/3/2001 8:57:38 PM

Well, yes the tuning punks is a little unwieldy. Even with a
fast connection it takes forever to load. I took Paul and
Dan's advice and decided to break it up into three stations,
Tuning Punks A-I, Tuning Punks J-R and Tuning Punks S-Z. Got
the first one built, with about an hour worth of work, but
now I can't find where it is. I can administer it, but I
can't just open it, cant find it with a search, arrrrrgh! I
will finish the job providing I can find my work...
Really, it would be a lot faster just to pop up a web page
on my server with the punks there, but then it wouldn't get
the exposure. Either needs to upgrade their servers,
or the code behind the page calls a bunch of stuff. It
really shouldn't take that long to load. Rant, rant rant...

John Starrett
"We have nothing to fear but the scary stuff."