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New Henry Flynt CD

🔗David Beardsley <>

12/31/2000 6:47:33 AM

JUST RELEASED! Available NOW from MELA Foundation!

Henry Flynt, You Are My Everlovin' & Celestial Power, 2 CD set
Two 45-minute fiddle improvisations from 1980 and '81.

"With his extrodinary violin virtuosity, the originator of
Concept Art shows the down-home side of his hillbilly
roots on both these cuts, as well as some dazzling
intonation on You Are My Everlovin' ." - La Monte Young

$20/17 MELA members
Plus $3.00 S&H
NY State Residents please add 8.25% sales tax

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* V i r t u al D r e a m H o u e M o n i t o r