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🔗Neil Haverstick <STICK@USWEST.NET>

12/28/2000 10:03:03 AM

Hey Wally...I'd love to see the chat with the
astrophysicist...perhaps it would be of interest to the list, or post me
privately...this is an area that's very important to

🔗Walter (Wally) <>

12/29/2000 7:26:11 AM

Hi Neil Hi Rich

Sorry it took so long to get this to you. This is the first
conversation. look for additions under future tuning
group subjects called, "Astrophysicist/colors/music". Rich, Dr.
Lochner "thinks" it's a psychology one.Check out Dr. James Lochner's
ctromagnetic Spectrum

--- In, "Neil Haverstick" <STICK@U...> wrote:
> Hey Wally...I'd love to see the chat with the
> astrophysicist...perhaps it would be of interest to the list, or
post me privately...this is an area that's very important to
> me...thanks...Hstick

Here it is......

>Wally said:

My question is this:
>If the color green were to make a sound, what frequency (cycles per
second c.p.s.) would it be heard in?
>Is there any relation to sound and color? Or maybe I should say, Is
there any relation to the frequency of a specific "tone" and the
frequency of a specific color?
>In other words, If the color green were to make a sound, what musical
"tone" would it be?
>Thanks for your time
>Walter Lepore
>Dr. James Lochner said:

Interesting question.

Light has frequency just as sound does. This is by virtue of the
fact that both are waves. The frequencies of a particular sound wave
and a particular light wave are determined by their respective speeds.

Since the speed of light is so much larger than the speed of sound,
you get some astounding numbers.

The frequency of green light is about 5.45 x 10^14 cps (that's
545 trillion cps). I'm not a music expert, so you'd have to figure
out what tone that would be.

I hope this helps

Jim Lochner
Imagine the Universe!

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

1/3/2001 12:06:49 PM

--- In, "Neil Haverstick" <STICK@U...> wrote:

> Hey Wally...I'd love to see the chat with the
> astrophysicist...perhaps it would be of interest to the list, or
post me
> privately...this is an area that's very important to
> me...thanks...Hstick

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe this whole issue of the "teeny-tiny"
intervals "way out" on the harmonic series came up with reference to
calling music created exclusively with the overtone series "Just

I believe in our discussions with David Keenan, Paul Erlich and
others, it was pretty much determined that the harmonic series
definition did not hold water (or sound).

Since the upper partials become infinitely small, there was always a
possibility of creating practically ANYTHING with them, including
12-tET, or our "infamous" Hammond organ. And, surely these examples
could not easily be termed "Just Intonation..."
___________ ____ __ _
Joseph Pehrson