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microtonalist update and Herman Miller's music

🔗John Starrett <>

12/27/2000 5:13:24 PM

Herman Miller's new piece Daybreak on Slendro Mountain is up
at the Tuning Punks

Also, my microtonalists links are updated with no dead links
as of this afternoon.

John Starrett
"We have nothing to fear but the scary stuff."


12/28/2000 3:06:27 PM

John Starrett wrote,

>Herman Miller's new piece Daybreak on Slendro Mountain is up
>at the Tuning Punks

This piece won't play for me (though the other Tuning Punks pieces do). . .

Also, isn't it time to start a Tuning Punks 2 page (this one is getting
kinda long and disorganized) . . .