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Does anybody here have microtonal CDs in stores?

🔗vog <vog@xxxxx.xxxx>

3/15/1999 5:56:02 AM

> [Beardsley, TD 100:]
> > In my work "Sonic Bloom" (CD's ready soon!),

Reading this, I was wondering if anybody on this tunning list had made any
CD that I can buy in my music store here in Qu�bec City? Note that the
store have a great deal of comtemporary music ;-)
If they don't have I can order it.

Please let me... euh... let us know! :-)

(please give your name, the compagny, any references so I can order it...)


Merci beaucoup!



3/15/1999 8:27:10 AM


The microtonal CDs from Tuning List members and other composers are in
this list: .
I'd be surprised if there's not one in your music store.

To all, I don't get much feedback for the microtonal discography so my
request is to once take a moment and look if there's any CD missing.

Manuel Op de Coul

🔗vog <vog@xxxxx.xxxx>

3/15/1999 11:10:36 AM

Thanks, I'll check it out and print a list and go shopping...

maybe I'll find someday any master in the Art! ehehe

Vog99. wrote:

> From:
> Vog99,
> The microtonal CDs from Tuning List members and other composers are in
> this list: .
> I'd be surprised if there's not one in your music store.
> To all, I don't get much feedback for the microtonal discography so my
> request is to once take a moment and look if there's any CD missing.
> Thanks!
> Manuel Op de Coul
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🔗Gary Morrison <mr88cet@xxxxx.xxxx>

3/15/1999 1:03:06 PM

> Reading this, I was wondering if anybody on this tunning list had made any
> CD that I can buy in my music store here in Qu�bec City?

I wouldn't be terribly surprising if you could find some Harry Partch
recordings in a store of the calibre of such as Tower Records.