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Planting the Seeds for Microtonal Harvest...


12/5/2000 10:58:36 AM


I'm wondering with what frequency do others "sow the seeds" of
microtonality to folks around them? I try to introduce people to it
whether they are a musician or not.

Usually I find that when I'm explaining it to the uninitiated
musician, describing it in terms of a vibrating string, seems to be
one of the easiest ways to understand "rational tunings".

When I'm showing it to someone who might not even understand this
analogy - I get very interesting emotional replies - the music
conjures imagery for them, and I always really enjoy hearing about
the pictures that are created in the mind of folks with no ability to
listen to music outside of an emotional way. There can be something
almost like a personal poetry or fantasy that comes out, when they
here the new sounds - which is commonly very beautiful.

I took the unprecedented step of giving four rational tunings to an
African American R&B producer, who showed interest in my world fusion
work. I'm still waiting to hear his response.

I have this dream that one day we will realize that all microtones
are created equal (oh, you know what I mean!), and we will be hearing
this on the radio some day. I wonder if "Puff Daddy" is ready for

Well, now back to my gardening - ah, just wondering what a flowering
Eikosany might look over here!

Jacky Ligon