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definition of JI

🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

12/2/2000 12:05:39 PM

[David Finnamore wrote...]
>> And the verb you wanted is "justly intoned".
>Yes, of course - adverb and verb, actually. That was a good-natured
>jab in the ribs for Carl L. and Robert W., who say that "just" is a
>verb, without offering any counter-examples of its usage as anything
>other than an adjective.

Where did I say it was a verb? David, I'm afraid you entirely missed
the point of my very general comment.

[Dave Keenan wrote...]
>How about:
>JI is tuning by harmonics

One issue which has caused much confusion in this thread needs to
be addressed -- the phrase "just intonation" is sometimes being
used to mean a _scale_, and other times, a _sonority_.

The definition quoted from _Tetrachord_ is one of the former type,
and one which even refers to a particular scale. As John pointed
out, there is excellent support for this definition -- in fact, it
may be the most accurate definition outside of this community.

In order to generalize this definition for any scale, well... it's
a damn challenge. And the fruits of such a labor are probably non-
existent. Which is why I suggested we forget the idea, and stick
to definitions of the latter type. That is all my earlier post
was trying to get across.
