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The Range of Expression...


11/24/2000 5:37:27 AM

Considering the broad range of expression, and psychological effects
available to the microtonalist, I began to wonder what kind of tuning
system could possibly depict the emotional range that I think
everyone is going through with our current election.

I find the below tuning most effective in describing how I feel.
Particularly triads, tetrads and melodies formed from this scale
which do not include the 1/1 or 2/1. I call this the "Dimpled Chad
Tuning". In protest, I will only play music in this tuning system
until the hand re-counts are complete.

0: 1/1 0.000 unison, perfect prime
1: 11/8 551.318 undecimal semi-augmented fourth
2: 18/13 563.382
3: 25/18 568.717 classic augmented fourth
4: 32/23 571.726 23rd subharmonic
5: 7/5 582.512 septimal or Huygens' tritone,
BP fourth
6: 24/17 597.000 1st septendecimal tritone
7: 17/12 603.000 2nd septendecimal tritone
8: 10/7 617.488 Euler's tritone
9: 23/16 628.274 23rd harmonic
10: 36/25 631.283 classic diminished fifth
11: 13/9 636.618
12: 16/11 648.682 undecimal semi-diminished fifth
13: 2/1 1200.000 octave

}: )

Jacky Ligon