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Re: constituent Dekanies

🔗Robert Walker <>

11/21/2000 10:23:35 PM


Realised this isn't the Eikosany yet, but the figure to left of it in the Wilson Pascal triangle.

Also should have utonal tetrads for each utonal triad in the 2)5 Dekany as well:
However should still be possible to make six figures which between them have all the 2, 3, 4 and
5 note consonant chords of this figure, I think. Just matter of deciding how to do the utonal tetrads.

>These are great Robert. Thanks. But many of the sounds don't seem right.
>They often play fewer notes than I'm expecting and some play none.

Sorry about that, I'll check tomorrow.

I've also realised, the 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 dekany is in both the 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and
1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 figure, so two versions are needed, one joining onto 9s, and one,
onto 13s.

I'll see what I can do about it all tomorrow,...

BTW what is this figure called?

Will also need to do 4)6 version of this same figure at some point, which I expect will
use the 3)5 dekany, and otonal tetrads + utonal pentads.

The Eikosany will also have six 2)5 Dekanies in it (also six 3)5 Dekanies).

In fact, the 2)5 ones will be the same as these, except each multiplied by an extra factor.

E.g. the 1, 3, 5, 7, 13 Dekany will be there joining all vertices of 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 Eikosany
that have a factor 11 in them, with all its notes multiplied by 11.

However the Eikosany has only three Dekanies meeting at every vertex -

3*5*7 for instance belongs to the three Dekanies consisting of all multiples of 3, of 5, and of 7 respectively.

(while in this figure, each vertex belongs to four Dekanies - to take an ex, 11*13 belongs to all except the two ones
that leave out 11, and 13).

Eikosany is much more of a challenge, if one wants to include _all_ the consonant chords.
