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🔗David V Feldman <DVF@CHRISTA.UNH.EDU>

11/13/2000 2:09:57 PM

I'm interested in posting an English translation of Euler's Tentamen
to my website. I have a copy of such a translation made in 1960
as an academic thesis by one Charles Samuel Smith.

1) Does anyone know if Smith is still alive (he'd be 80) and, if so, how
I might contact him to ask for permission?

2) Would there be interest here in my so doing? Perhaps the text is
already available somewhere?

Easiest for me would be linking raw compressed TIFs. That
runs to several meg, and forces users to download the book one page
at a time. While I do have OCR, and while my copy is certainly human
readable, the many defective typewriter characters will doubtless make
for many errors. As one person working alone, I won't be up
to correcting 350 pages of OCR output, but I would consider
(once I work out the permissions) posting both the TIFs and
the uncorrected text and then I'd gratefully receive corrected HTMLed
versions of the posted pages which I could eventually consolidate
into something easy for everybody to download. Any interest in
this Stone Soup sort of approach?

David Feldman