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great organizing, AFMM

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

11/13/2000 12:08:23 PM

On a positive note, the organization skills of Johnny Reinhard at the
Microthon were incredible. Also, the great work of Patrick Grant,
who did the sound. This was a VERY complex all-day event. I
wouldn't dream, myself, of trying to produce anything of this
complexity. Despite minor snaffus, it adhered pretty much to
schedule, with the usual New York City problems of time and space...
not enough rehearsal space and not enough time to schedule rehearsal.

These are endemic New York City problems, not particular to the AFMM.

In short the problem in New York doesn't take Einstein to figure
out... time=space, time=money, and money,money is what's always
lacking.... at least for alternative arts events...

__________ ____ __ _
Joseph Pehrson
board officer, AFMM