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my paper

🔗merlyn <>

11/11/2000 2:11:54 PM

hi everybody!

i'm currently writing a paper on:

"the realization of music in non-12-tone equal temperament"

this paper will focus on:

tools for realizing music in JI and other tuning systems - such as
instruments, computer programs etc. i also plan to cover the related
issues of performance

can anyone direct me to pertinent sources, on or off-line?

i'll try not to bother you all with such requests in the future...

unfortunately the quarter is almost over and i'm panicking!!!

your guidance is greatly appreciated!

-brian rabben

🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

11/12/2000 8:07:28 AM

>can anyone direct me to pertinent sources, on or off-line?

Heya Brian!

The de facto microtonal home page is John Starrett's...

...from there, you can probably find all these links, and more...

(This is the de facto place for Partch on the web. Check out the
"Show us your instruments" section under "The Art Institute of
Gualala" heading. If you haven't already, get your hands on
Harry's book, _Genesis of a Muisc_.)

(Ivor Darreg was another experimental instrument builder, and
sonic arts carries on his work.)

(Ivor published many articles in _Xenharmonikon_, along with many
other intersting authors. This home page has TOCs and errata, and
a link to Frog Peak music, which can furnish the back issues.)

(Speaking of experimental musical instruments...)

(The microtonal synthesis page is a phenomenal resource, showing
the tuning capabilites of nearly every synth made.)

(Dante Rosati retuned a guitar in Just Intonation, and made some
great music with it.)

(Harold Fortuin created a nifty microtonal keyboard instrument,
and made some cool music with it.)

(Kraig Grady has built an acoustic orchestra to play tunings
designed by Erv Wilson. His music is unreal... literally.)

(Last, but certainly not least, John deLaubenfels has realized
the the world's first practical adaptive tuning solution.)

...Good Luck!


🔗merlyn <>

11/12/2000 11:35:57 AM

thank you so much Carl!

i really appreciate your assistance!

take care,

brian rabben


11/13/2000 12:57:33 AM

>tools for realizing music in JI and other tuning systems - such as
>instruments, computer programs etc. i also plan to cover the related
>issues of performance
>can anyone direct me to pertinent sources, on or off-line?

Of course you _must_ get Harry Partch's _Genesis of a Music_. Also Wendy
Carlos' article "Tuning: At the Crossroads" in the _Computer Music Journal_.
There are tons of microtonal guitarists -- check out Drew Skyfyre's
microtonal guitar page. . . .