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Premiere 'Just in Time'

🔗Wim Hoogewerf <>

11/7/2000 12:02:53 AM

Hello, there. A small and simple post, just before I leave Paris to fly to
New York.

Next saturday I'll participate on the AFMM Microthon to play the first
performance of Joe Pehrson's 'Just in Time', specially written for my guitar
with moveable frets. Since some of you will assist on this concert, it might
be interesting to describe the tuning used for this piece. It's based upon
an idea I had when reading Helmholtz for the first time.

The tuning of the open strings is:

D-51, G, D-51, G, C-2, F-4

The frets are set as follows:

There is one row of eleven harmonics, starting on the fifth string (tuned as
a low G), going up until a high C+51, exactly eleven times the frequency of
the low G. Then there is one row of subharmonics, starting on a high G
(three octaves above the open fifth string), going down until D-51 (the open
sixth string), exactly eleven times lower than the high G. The rows cross
each other in a central octave from G to G. I brought all the pitches
together into this octave. The result is a fingerboard with frets all over,
but without any straight line between the frets.

Last year I showed the tuning to Joe Pehrson and he was immediately inspired
to use it for his new piece. It's a very elementary idea and I think, while
listening it's quite well possible to hear what this tuning is about.

On the first part of the concert I'll play some pieces by Ivor Darreg and
Neil Haverstick in 19-tet, on the same guitar. Setting he frets from 19-tet
into the JI setting for 'Just in Time' will take me at least one hour. I
hope I can make it!

Looking forward seeing some of you on saturday.

Wim Hoogewerf