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Quarter-comma meantone on radio

🔗David J. Finnamore <>

10/26/2000 7:47:00 PM

For those of you in the US whose local
Public Radio station has yet to air this
week's Harmonia program, the nearly
whole thing is early baroque music
harpsichord in quarter-comma meantone.
Much of it is slow, delicious, chordal
music, not the heavily contrapuntal
stuff we often think of as associated
with that period. Really shows off the
colorfulness of the tuning! Harmonia is
on the web Thursday nights at 9 PM
Central Standard Time so the whole world
can hear it. Problem is, I don't know
what's going to be on it until then.
Wish I did, because it frequently
contains wonderful examples of
historical tunings.

David J. Finnamore
Nashville, TN, USA
