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Re: [tuning] Digest Number 903

🔗Robert Walker <>

10/21/2000 9:27:06 PM

Hi Dave,\hexan
Now has the diads and triads.\hexan
is as before

The .wav diads and triads are in\hexan
(takes a long time to load - 2 MB!)

Done the .wav chords as 22 Khz 16 bit. They didn't work too well in 8

However they are shorter in time now, so about the same size as the
ones. But really takes quite a while to load - about 2MB or so with all
diads and triads (26 files, 71 to 113 KB each). At 50K bits per sec,
5 mins, 28 secs.

Click on the cyan or red spheres to play the diads and triads

There is a transparent (so totally invisible) sphere round each of the
ratios which you click on (that's because the numbers themselves are
a bit fiddly to click on as you have to click on the actual strokes that
make up the letters).

So if you click on one of the other spheres and it is behind and v.
close to one of the ratios, you will find you get the ratio instead.

I've made a file\hexan
which you can use to make your own hexanies.

Look for the lines like
string "15/8"
Replace them with your own ratios.

You can open the template .wrl file in your browser as it is valid VRML

Once you've got all the ratios in the right place, go back to the .wrl
file and look for the line:
DEF Touch_z1 TouchSensor{}
five lines before your ratio.

Replace the z1 by say 15_8 for 15/8.
Do it as a global search and replace of all occurrences in the file.

Repeat for all the ratios.

Then go to the end of the file, and you will see some lines like this:
Sound {maxBack 1000 maxFront 1000 source DEF Audio_21_16_15_8
AudioClip {url "21_16_15_8.wav"} }
You need to make the .wav files for all these urls.

For instance 21_16_15_8.wav needs to be a .wav file for 21/16 + 15/8.

You can use midi files instead of wave files, and it is okay to do this
with a global search and replace of .wav by .mid to change all the urls
at the end to urls to .mid files.
