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Thanks to Joe, and "alphatemperamentation"

🔗Sarn Richard Ursell <>

10/15/2000 4:42:58 AM

Hello everybody on the alternative tuning list!!!

Great news!!

Firstly, and foremostly, I wanted to thank Joe Monzo for his last email, one
which I will reply too in some more depth to come, and I have, had,
incidentally, many, many ideas pertaining to the invention and the use of
these prime number based lattices....

I can, and here I will strongly suggest, to you Joe, that you should have
included many, many interesting tests, and examples/exercises for the
visitors to you're website to use, and to interact with, and to do,
-believe, me, getting the grip on the concept of lattices in depth, isn't
easy, it is a failry deep mathematical tool.

I have ideas for interplays beetween mathematical sequences and lattices,
and I will include them later on....

Something really, really strange occurred to me on the Wellington train
station platform the oother day, and this was the cross word, at least in
English and its cultural equivalant.

I woundered if in Chinese a cultural equivalent could be made, whereby
phrases, and wise sayings could be used?

Anyway, this is not the main point of this email, the main point was the
question as to MAPPING of an infomation sequence of letters in the English
alphabet to notes.

Could this be done?

HAS this been done?

I thought that:

{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q} could be mapped to 1-17
notes in 17 equal temperament, and latter letters {r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y,
z} could be mapped to chord instructions for the next following set of letters.

Perhaps spaceing and font type could designate timeing?

I will think about this and please, I would apprecite feedback!

Perhaps the space could be a rest, or perhaps combinations/permutations of
letterc could be used, and the full stop comma?

I am sure now that this mapping of letter information to chords, and to
musical intervals might give us something very interesting, as it is
structured information that is being used.

Any ideas???


Sarn Richard Ursell.