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Recommended listenting, dynamic tuning, rocky/csound

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/8/1999 4:50:26 PM

Newcomers should check out Tuning Digest Tape Swap, which was a
predecessor to the CD for those of us not wealthy enough to take on the
responsibility of buying ~100 CDs -- Gary Morrison is now in charge of
distributing the Tape Swap tape. In addition to fine compositions by
Bill Alves, Brian McLaren, and others, a nice 22-tET piece of mine was
on it. That piece would be a perfect candidate for John deLaubenfels'
dynamic retuning algorithm. I'd like to make the piece more widely
available -- it seems that Peter Blasser has created just the thing to
make that possible. Peter, can you help me get started?