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Detwelvulating Reaktor, part the second

🔗William S. Annis <>

10/5/2000 5:00:42 PM

- or -

How to Suck up Bandwidth
on Not-Porn


Many Reaktive Things are Explained

Since there appear to be a few Reaktor users on this list I'm
posting this here.

I have a quick rundown of how I retrofit existing Reaktor
ensembles to use the Microtune 12 macro, which lets you retune the
standard 12-note gamut +/- 50cents. This time, I have screen shots of
the finished product. So, you should be able to compare what's on the
Reaktor screen when you do a structure view with what's on this web

I have included a sub-structure, too, since those things are often
irritatingly self-contained and get their pitch information straight
from MIDI instead from the top-level ensemble structure. This often
means a lot of digging for retrofitting existing synths.

I hope this is helpful to people. I don't *think* I'm missing
any fundamental parts, and I know this ensemble works, since I use it
a lot.
