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Interesting Fractal Web Page

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

10/2/2000 7:14:03 AM

Note for Robert Walker and all the fractal enthusiasts:

An interesting Fractal Web page has surfaced:

It's "auf Deutsch," but, actually pretty easy German...

However, if you don't want to try that... just look at the

"check out" the transformation of the first Prelude from Bach's Well
Tempered Klavier, book I a la fractal variation (.mp3 format).

I recommend listening to this...

It takes Bach into a "new age," literally (ahem...)
____________ ____ __ __
Joseph Pehrson

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

10/2/2000 7:46:55 AM

--- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <pehrson@p...> wrote:

A little bit more on the fractal page at:

The final paragraph pretty much "sums up" what could be considered
the "stimulus" for various compositional systems... be they TUNING
systems, algorithmic composition systems, serial methods... whatever:

Im letzten Beispiel sieht man, daß die eigentliche fraktale Musik
nur als Anregung dient. Sie ist Ideengeber. Ich glaube, daß einen
fraktale Musik an sich zwar erstaunlich komplex ist, aber von dem
kreativen Schaffensprozeß eines Menschen noch entfernt ist. Aber
sie kann interessante Anstöße für eigene Kompositionen geben.
Die Musik aus dem Algorithmus erhebt für sich keinen Anspruch auf
Kunst, die Frage ist aber, was wir in dieser Musik sehen und sehen

My "rough" (ahem) translation:

In the final analysis true Fractal music is only a "stimulant." It
is an "idea-giver..." I believe that a Fractal music in itself is
extremely complex and we are a bit far from the true creative
assembly-process using it just as it is... However, it can give
interesting "kick offs" for true compositions. Music composed
through algorithms is not in itself true art, but the question is
more what *WE* see in the patterns of such music!
__________ ___ __ __
Joseph Pehrson