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Keyboard magazine


9/30/2000 10:26:36 PM

There is a brief mention of microtonality in the "Reader Letters"
section of this month's Keyboard magazine. Basically a reader wrote
asking about microtonal synths and the like. The Keyboard writer who
responded mentioned there were synths with tuning tables (but didn't
say which ones) and that samplers can also be used... if the reader
is willing to tune and map the samples himself.

In the same issue there is an interview with keyboardist Lyle Mays (a
personal favorite of mine) concerning his new "solo piano" album.
The album is marketed as a solo piano project but the interview
reveals that he used a lot of piano samples. He mentioned a desire
to "further stretch diatonicity". I would imagine, based on my
limited education in tuning and time on this list, that based on
these comments maybe he would want to give just intonation or perhaps
one of the historical tunings a try.
