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As The World Turns...

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@ADNC.COM>

9/29/2000 10:08:01 PM

...and the waters calm, I'm pleased have received posts from members of the list, with a general consensus to reduce rancor and increase dialogue. And when these msgs were coming in, I happened to catch up on the arts section of last Sunday's paper, which I had missed being out of town. Turns out the current U.S. Poet Laureate, Stanley Kunitz (who is only 95 years of age!) had this nugget:

"I think all artists, and especially poets, are forever in search of a community. It's a solitary act, and you need community of the like-minded souls to survive and to flourish. So the search for a community is really a lifetime engagement."

Substitute what we/you are where "poet" is, and I find the analogy apt, and encouraging.

Good evening,
Real Life: Orchestral Percussionist
Web Life: "Corporeal Meadows" - about Harry Partch