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11 note chain-of-minor-thirds scale


9/29/2000 9:43:24 AM

David C Keenan wrote,

> I don't have a web page on either this or major third MOS's. Maybe
you're thinking about the minor third MOS, which also has 11 tones.

I've always thought that was a beautiful page Dave... have you thought
about this in terms of the 1/4 3/11, L/s = Phi mapping - the strictly
proper 4L7s generalized golden meantone?

0 89 233 322 411 555 645 734 878 967 1056 1200
0 144 233 322 466 555 645 789 878 967 1111 1200
0 89 178 322 411 500 645 734 823 967 1056 1200
0 89 233 322 411 555 645 734 878 967 1111 1200
0 144 233 322 466 555 645 789 878 1022 1111 1200
0 89 178 322 411 500 645 734 878 967 1056 1200
0 89 233 322 411 555 645 789 878 967 1111 1200
0 144 233 322 466 555 700 789 878 1022 1111 1200
0 89 178 322 411 555 645 734 878 967 1056 1200
0 89 233 322 466 555 645 789 878 967 1111 1200
0 144 233 377 466 555 700 789 878 1022 1111 1200

Though I suppose you would have been thinking in terms of 26-tET and
not 19-tET had you wanted a strictly proper mapping in the first
place... they're definitely different animals as well, so maybe the
improper 19-tET mapping is ideal for what you wanted? Anyway, here's
the 1/4 4/15, L/s = Phi+1 stop on the journey to 4-tET:

0 69 248 317 386 566 634 703 883 952 1020 1200
0 180 248 317 497 566 634 814 883 952 1131 1200
0 69 137 317 386 455 634 703 772 952 1020 1200
0 69 248 317 386 566 634 703 883 952 1131 1200
0 180 248 317 497 566 634 814 883 1063 1131 1200
0 69 137 317 386 455 634 703 883 952 1020 1200
0 69 248 317 386 566 634 814 883 952 1131 1200
0 180 248 317 497 566 745 814 883 1063 1131 1200
0 69 137 317 386 566 634 703 883 952 1020 1200
0 69 248 317 497 566 634 814 883 952 1131 1200
0 180 248 428 497 566 745 814 883 1063 1131 1200

--Dan Stearns