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Re: The mighty strange Bohlen-Pierce scale...

🔗David C Keenan <D.KEENAN@UQ.NET.AU>

9/26/2000 8:00:29 PM

A related non-octave tuning is Gary Morrison's 88-cET (i.e equal steps of
88 c). BP can be seen as 146-cET.

Gary once pointed out to me that both 88-cET and BP are related to 41-tET.
88-cET can be seen as 41/3-tET (every third step from 41-tET) while BP can
be seen as 41/5-tET (every fifth step).

BP is a 13-fold division of the twefth, 88-cET can be seen as an 8-fold
division of the fifth.

Unlike Paul Erlich, I am a believer in a weak fifth-equivalence and
twelfth-equivalence simply because untrained singers will sometimes
unintentionally sing a fifth above other singers.

-- Dave Keenan

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

9/26/2000 8:49:02 PM

--- In, David C Keenan <D.KEENAN@U...> wrote:

> Unlike Paul Erlich, I am a believer in a weak fifth-equivalence and
> twelfth-equivalence simply because untrained singers will sometimes
> unintentionally sing a fifth above other singers.
> -- Dave Keenan

Thanks, Dave, for your comments. Actually Mats Oljare was mentioning
the significance of the 3/1 as a "focal point" and, in fact, I felt
this more strongly after messing around with the Bohlen-Pierce a
little more this evening.

I remember that Randy Winchester made MUCH of this 3/1 "twelfth" in
his "Comets Over Flatland..."

There certainly is a "pivotal" nature to this interval that is part
of the Bolen-Pierce unlike any other... except a "weird" kind of
"minor sixth" (on a traditional keyboard) that seems almost like an
octave, but is not "consistent" throughout. Anybody notice that one

Now onto something REALLY stupid... but that I need help with.

How did the 3/1 suddenly become a "twelfth??" Wasn't it always a
"fifteenth" in our 12-tET system?

This must be something really obvious that I am overlooking...
_________ ___ __ _
Joseph Pehrson

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

9/26/2000 8:51:42 PM

--- In, David C Keenan <D.KEENAN@U...> wrote:

Quick question... What does

-cET stand for again??
__________ ___ __ _
Joseph Pehrson