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Re: 12............ [in MOS?]

🔗D. Stearns <stearns@xxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/6/1999 8:30:18 AM

>What in hell does it mean?

It just [an attempt at] a visual representation of a +5, +7 sequence:

+F +f
\ /
= O
/ \

The question this was (questionably) referencing was what is 12 doing
amongst all these primes... I'm still very uncertain exactly what the
acronym MOS (I've seen it used apparently in relation with n-tET's that
create a [seven note] scale consisting of [five] same size diatonic major
seconds, and [two] same size
diatonic minor seconds...) indicates -- Perhaps someone on the list could
take the time to give it an in depth explanation?

But as far as "five same size diatonic major seconds, and two same size
diatonic minor seconds" go; all the O +f/+F numbers in the sequence I gave
achieve this condition (all the "e's" [empty sets] do not) are prime through
55... The n*2 (where the h*2 and W*2's are identical to the n*1) are also
