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This time, root-position major seventh chord wins, followed by tw o root-position minor sevnth chords!


9/20/2000 9:14:24 PM

Well, I calculated the locally concordant tetrads from the Tenney-based
diadic harmonic entropy, and there were 140 of them -- the same number as
before. But before I could see what they were, Matlab crashed. I ended up
having to reboot. Instead of calculating them again, I just assumed they
were all the same as before, and looked up the new discordance values for
the old tetrads. Ranked by the new discordance values, and throwing out the
15 with octaves, here are all 125:

bass is always 0

tenor alto soprano old value new value
386 702 1088 23.399 25.62
316 702 1018 23.467 25.644
268 702 970 23.721 25.796
184 498 886 23.941 25.817
388 702 886 23.941 25.817
184 388 886 24.081 25.872
498 702 886 24.081 25.872
204 702 1088 23.621 25.894
386 884 1088 23.621 25.894
202 500 702 24.398 25.905
302 502 1004 23.957 25.906
502 702 1004 23.957 25.906
498 886 1384 23.204 25.945
204 388 702 24.586 26.016
314 498 702 24.586 26.016
384 588 1086 23.996 26.064
498 702 1086 23.996 26.064
312 702 888 24.162 26.066
186 576 888 24.162 26.066
318 816 1020 23.966 26.106
204 702 1020 23.966 26.106
492 980 1472 23.251 26.117
202 702 974 24.1 26.136
272 772 974 24.1 26.136
268 582 970 24.193 26.143
388 702 970 24.193 26.143
388 888 1390 23.414 26.146
502 1002 1390 23.414 26.146
204 432 702 24.758 26.18
270 498 702 24.758 26.18
388 886 1274 23.674 26.202
388 776 1090 24.052 26.216
314 702 1090 24.052 26.216
316 630 1018 24.215 26.233
388 702 1018 24.215 26.233
264 650 966 24.318 26.257
316 702 966 24.318 26.257
184 614 886 24.409 26.28
272 702 886 24.409 26.28
436 702 884 24.524 26.302
182 448 884 24.524 26.302
386 816 1088 24.194 26.346
272 702 1088 24.194 26.346
316 584 1018 24.352 26.348
434 702 1018 24.352 26.348
388 578 886 24.627 26.351
308 498 886 24.627 26.351
314 498 812 24.806 26.363
498 884 1080 24.295 26.42
196 582 1080 24.295 26.42
188 500 1000 24.516 26.42
500 812 1000 24.516 26.42
500 816 1316 23.999 26.427
498 888 1282 23.995 26.432
394 784 1282 23.995 26.432
438 702 1084 24.408 26.433
382 646 1084 24.408 26.433
318 818 1320 23.933 26.446
502 1002 1320 23.933 26.446
260 702 1142 24.194 26.45
440 882 1142 24.194 26.45
434 820 1320 23.955 26.463
500 886 1320 23.955 26.463
262 702 1026 24.383 26.472
324 764 1026 24.383 26.472
266 436 702 25.119 26.477
228 498 812 25.055 26.61
314 584 812 25.055 26.61
310 578 888 24.887 26.626
386 582 968 24.822 26.628
268 582 1080 24.621 26.644
498 812 1080 24.621 26.644
188 498 812 25.073 26.654
314 624 812 25.073 26.654
308 620 886 24.94 26.674
266 578 886 24.94 26.674
190 500 778 25.156 26.684
278 588 778 25.156 26.684
312 810 1122 24.528 26.696
192 582 970 24.796 26.701
388 778 970 24.796 26.701
498 774 1084 24.701 26.705
310 586 1084 24.701 26.705
442 884 1326 24.151 26.721
498 810 1120 24.678 26.728
310 622 1120 24.678 26.728
316 814 966 24.804 26.729
152 650 966 24.804 26.729
196 388 584 25.635 26.744
262 646 884 25.056 26.756
238 622 884 25.056 26.756
196 390 780 25.318 26.774
390 584 780 25.318 26.774
316 582 968 24.997 26.782
386 652 968 24.997 26.782
390 626 1016 24.972 26.81
238 628 1020 24.87 26.825
392 782 1020 24.87 26.825
208 592 800 25.268 26.84
200 586 812 25.268 26.851
226 612 812 25.268 26.851
432 818 1020 24.894 26.858
202 588 1020 24.894 26.858
386 584 816 25.364 26.865
232 430 816 25.364 26.865
266 448 884 25.262 26.881
436 618 884 25.262 26.881
388 584 1018 25.051 26.899
434 630 1018 25.051 26.899
320 636 956 25.109 26.903
196 388 814 25.449 26.928
426 618 814 25.449 26.928
442 882 1064 24.85 26.935
182 622 1064 24.85 26.935
232 432 620 25.801 26.944
188 388 620 25.801 26.944
434 586 1020 25.176 27.031
312 580 1124 25.043 27.032
544 812 1124 25.043 27.032
328 772 964 25.173 27.043
192 636 964 25.173 27.043
442 828 1270 24.795 27.075
198 430 628 25.928 27.095
154 326 774 25.766 27.138
448 620 774 25.766 27.138